We’ll be posting answers to some of the most asked questions we have been getting as we travel around town and meet with the residents.

Q: Will you be sending out any additional campaign materials such as mailers or flyers before the election? If so, how will we know they came from you?

A: Other than my own flyers which I or someone may hand to you personally, authorization of the use of my name in campaign advertising has been given to BTA and BRA only. Any other flyers or mailers that might bear my name are not unauthorized by me, especially unsigned materials. Always make sure authorization is stated.

Q: Would you call yourself a fiscal conservative?

A: Yes. I will strive to make the most of the taxpayers’ dollars as well as strive to keep the tax rates down.

Q: Do you feel Seniors should get a break on their taxes?

A: Yes. Programs have been suggested that would provide tax relief for seniors and we will look into all of them.

Q: There are spending items on the March ballot. What should be the Town’s priorities for spending?

A: Spending priorities should be to maintain the roads, buildings, and public services as they are affordable.

Q: What is your take on the Master Plan process and the plan itself?

A: The Master Plan should be a blueprint for spending priorities for needs rather than a wish list of wants. Only the town boards and actual residents should be involved in making decisions about what goes into any long range plans.

Q: How should the town approach growth in the future?

A: The town needs to insure that it has the services to meet any new growth in population. The town should pay better attention to zoning and the appropriateness of the placement of projects that would increase the population suddenly and significantly, thus impacting services and increasing the tax rate, or affecting the character of the town.

Q: Should the placement of cell towers continue to be restricted?

A: Absolutely. While we need cell towers for communications, no one should have to have one on, or very near their residential property. (more to come)

Q: Should the Code of Conduct which currently exists for all town employees and elected and volunteer board members, reaffirmed in 2018, be codified into an ordinance?

A: Yes. Currently it states “This Code of Conduct provides guidelines to Town Councilors and their appointees to boards, commissions, committees, and working groups in the execution of their Town of Bedford official responsibilities. Other elected town officials are invited to voluntarily participate in this Code of Conduct.”